Oscars 2017
This year, we decided on our costumes fairly early: Dr. Strange for Stephen and Jyn Erso for me.
I started making Stephen’s costume before Halloween and the first of November partners meeting, which was themed “SuperHeroes” (I wore the General Organa costume from last year). Well, it wasn’t really ready for prime time at that event, and got put on the shelf for a bit. Fast forward to February and needing to get it done. I wove an inkle band for the neckline trim on the blue tunic. I figured out a better way to create the Cloak of Levitation (both overall shape and the collar). I broke down and just bought the jacket/vest for Jyn Erso, because I just didn’t have time to do the pleated sleeve insets or fit a jacket from scratch.
Stephen worked on upping our game for the video. We totally rearranged the setup during a test run in the fall, and it made for far better traffic flow as folks were coming in.
And then my mom fell and ended up in the hospital. So I stayed home and Stephen went to the party. I was able to record my interview remotely and Stephen added it to the video feed at the end. It was the most eventful Oscars ever, with the wrong movie being announced at the end. Here’s the CNN article about what happened. And a follow-on article about Why Typography Matters.